Professor Eileen Kaner | Speakers for Schools

Professor Eileen Kaner

Professor of Public Health & Primary Care Research, Institute of Health and Society, Newcastle University

I am a behavioural scientist and Professor of Public Health and Primary Care Research at Newcastle University. My research aims to improve health and well-being via the development of brief interventions to reduce risk due to alcohol, substance use and linked mental health problems. My work crosses the life-course and focuses on tackling social inequalities. I am committed to evidence-based prevention and care and am the Director of the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) for the North East and North Cumbria. This collaboration includes six Universities, all of the NHS and Social Care sector plus many Voluntary Sector organisations. As the first in my family to go to University, I am keen to encourage individuals of all ages and from all backgrounds to have the opportunity to access higher education. I would also like to increase the diversity of those working in and around health research and academia.