Dr Robin Laney | Speakers for Schools

Dr Robin Laney

Professor, School of Computing and Communications, Open University

Dr Robin Laney is a Professor of Computational Musicology at the Open University. His research interests are in using computers to analyse and generate music. His top-level motivation is to understand how music works as a psychological construct, both in terms of its creation and its reception by listeners. His projects include systems that allow mixed ability groups to create music in collaboration with computers, including the use of Artificial Intelligence.

Robin is also Director of Research for Computing and Communications, determining strategy for a large and vibrant community of researchers. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society for the Arts, in recognition of the contribution of his work to society.

Robin delivers talks to schools on the topic of Artificial Intelligence, Computational Creativity and Music. In the talk he focusses on careful consideration of simple examples – in order to illustrate how university research breaks down complex issues. A central part of the talk is an interactive activity, where volunteers from the audience generate music by simulating a computer system.