Graham Stuart | Speakers for Schools

Graham Stuart

MP for Beverley and Holderness

Graham was first elected as the MP for Beverley and Holderness in 2005 with a majority of 2,580. In the 2010 election he strengthened his position winning an emphatic 47.1 per cent of the vote and increasing his majority to 12,987.

As well as being the constituency MP for Beverley and Holderness he is the Chairman of the Education Select Committee.

Graham was born in Carlisle in 1962, and attended Glenalmond College before reading Philosophy and then Law at Selwyn College, Cambridge from 1982-85. He started his publishing business at the end of his first year at Cambridge and he remains non-executive Chairman.

Graham founded the Beverley and Holderness Pensioners Action Group, which campaigns for the interests of local older people, CHANT (Community Hospitals Acting Nationally Together), a national, cross-party Parliamentary pressure group which campaigns for community hospitals; HOTI (Hull and Holderness Opposing the Incinerator) and, in addition, he is Chairman of the East Riding Health Action Group and is the founder of the Beverley and Holderness Business Forum.

In Parliament, he has served on the Children, Schools and Families Select Committees and, formerly, on the Environmental Select Committee and the Draft Climate Change Bill Committee. He was elected by his fellow MPs to the Conservative Party Board in 2006.