Mastering Mood: Chloe Brotheridge & Sara Milne Rowe - SFS

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How To Boss Your Mood with Chloe Brotheridge and Sara Milne Rowe

How To Boss Your Mood with Chloe Brotheridge and Sara Milne Rowe

Chloe Brotheridge, Clinical Hypnotherapist, author of The Anxiety Solution and & Sara Milne Rowe, Performance Coach, founder of Coaching Impact and author of The SHED Method

Age: KS4 & 5 / S4 – 6

Subject: PSHE

Topic: Managing mood

Chloe and Sara kicked-off the Virtual Penguin Talks series by sharing their expertise and practical tips for managing anxiety and taking control of your mood during these uncertain times. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and received a free audiobook download of The Anxiety Solution and The SHED Method.

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