Michelle Obama on Education & Self-Belief | Speakers for Schools

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Michelle Obama On Education and Self-Belief

Michelle Obama On Education & Self-Belief

In December 2018 and to mark the publication of her memoir, BecomingMichelle Obama paid a special visit to students in Islington, London, to talk about empowerment through education and the importance of self-belief.


Age: Key Stages 3 – 5

Subject: PSHE

Topic: Self-belief

The following activities give KS3-5 students the opportunity to identify and discuss personal barriers both they and others may face, how to overcome these barriers, as well as how to grow in self-belief. The following activities can be used as standalone activities, or used together with the starter and plenary to form a complete lesson (approx. 1 hour 30 mins in total).

Learning Objectives:

  1. How do we overcome barriers?
  2. How can we support ourselves and others?
  3. How can we become ourselves?

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Activity one

Former first lady, Michelle Obama, describes the barriers she faced when she was young and how she overcame them.

Activity two

Michelle Obama discusses the many ways in which we can support ourselves and support others.

Activity three

Michelle Obama poses some big questions to help us work out what we want to do with our lives and suggests that your job does not define who you are.

Life Lessons
Own your strengths

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