Leadership Skills with Captain Polly Marsh & Garth Miller

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Develop Your Leadership Skills With Captain Polly Marsh, Royal Military Sandhurst & Garth Miller, Airline Captain, Leadership Consultant, Speaker, Company Director, High Altitude Mountaineer, Veteran, Quantico

Develop Your Leadership Skills With Captain Polly Marsh, Royal Military Sandhurst & Garth Miller, Airline Captain, Leadership Consultant, Speaker, Company Director, High Altitude Mountaineer, Veteran, Quantico

Develop Your Leadership Skills

Thursday 23rd March

KS3-5 / S1-6

In this fantastic broadcast, we hear from Captain Polly Marsh and Mountainer and Veteran Garth Miller, as they talk about their life experiences and how it has led them to be better leaders. From techniques to tales from our speakers, watch this broadcast to get inspired about leadership.

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