Jeannette Lichner | Speakers for Schools
Portrait of Jeannette Lichner

Jeannette Lichner

Non Exec Director, Information Commissioner's Office & Non Exec Director, Financial Conduct Authority

Having qualified as an accountant she spent about 25 years in a wide variety of roles in the financial services industry – finance, Operations, Human Resources, Corporate Finance, Technology etc that led her to Chief operating officer roles. She then spent 10 years as a consultant in the areas of governance, risk and compliance. Throughout her career she has also been involved in numerous startup/early stage companies.

She now does a variety of roles -as a Non-executive board director, as a tutor on the High Impact leadership course at the Cambridge institute of Sustainability leadership and as a mentor and coach. She is also active in the ESG agenda, with a focus on the S.

The consistent themes in her varied career are her interest in business of any type and people. She has managed, mentored and coached thousands of people throughout her career. Jeannette is an accredited coach and in addition to her work with senior leaders, she provides probono support to young people,  students from her university,  charities and Chartered Management Institute members.