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Category: News

  • Labour Conference Room

    Our Top Takeaways from the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences

    Our Top Takeaways from the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences October was another busy month for Speakers for Schools on the policy front with our CEO Nick Brook heading to the North-West of England for two lively fringe panel events at the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences that each featured an impressive lineup of experts […]

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  • Funbi Akande, Policy Officer at Speakers for Schools

    Skills shortage increase sends an important message to us all

    Skills shortage increase sends an important message to us all New data from the Employer skills survey published September 2023 shows persistent skills challenges that businesses are facing. Over 72,000 employers in multiple sectors were surveyed to provide insight into the evolving labour market, focusing on skill-shortage vacancies, training and skill gaps across all regions […]

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  • Portrait of Lauren Mistry

    What role does work experience play in the success of young people?

    What role does work experience play in the success of young people?  The results of Youth Employment UK’s annual Youth Voice Census launched in September 2023, and the full report speaks to the experiences young people aged 11 – 30 are having where they live, in education, employment and looking for work. Set across a […]

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  • Portrait of Professor Nira Chamberlain OBE

    There are certain things too important not to share

    There are certain things too important not to share One day, I walked into a state school as a speaker from Speakers from School; I was greeted by the school’s point of contact, who took me on a tour of the school. Before my talk, I asked them out of curiosity “Do you teach A-Level […]

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  • Portrait of Anastacia Warton

    Why work experience matters to young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET) 

    Why work experience matters to young people who are not in education, employment or training (NEET)  We know there is a scarring effect of unemployment; young people with a history of unemployment face long-term consequences such as lower wages and fewer career prospects, all of which can have a profound and damaging effect on a […]

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  • APPG Conference July 2023

    Our response to the APPG report on Youth Affairs

    Our response to the APPG report on Youth Affairs By Funbi Akande, Policy Officer Four key takeaways from the new report Speakers for Schools is committed to showing young people what the future of work looks like, and the skills needed to thrive in rapidly evolving workplaces. So, we are glad to see the APPG […]

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  • Portrait of Olly Newton-Edge

    Addressing the skills shortage and preparing young people for their futures

    Addressing the skills shortage and preparing young people for their futures How can we address skills shortages and prepare young people for flourishing future careers? The abrupt rise of AI automation is the latest evidence of the UK labour market undergoing a transformation not seen since the industrial revolution. This time, though, it is not […]

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  • David Dean MBE, talks to students at Cheadle Hulme High School in Cheadle.

    Former Arsenal chairman visits charity chair’s old school

    Former Arsenal chairman visits charity chair’s old school It’s not often that Andrew Law the chair of Speakers for Schools goes back to school, but he did exactly that when he returned to Cheadle Hulme High School (CHHS) in April to co-host a talk with one of British football’s most influential figures David Dein. Part […]

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  • Robert Peston founder of Speakers for Schools introducing new Work Experience For All Campaign at conference.

    From tick box to ticking all boxes 

    From tick box to ticking all boxes  Our response to the Education Select Committee’s report on careers education  By Dr Elnaz Kashef, Head of Research & Policy   Today, the Education Select Committee publishes its report on Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG).   We welcome the key points raised in the report; many of the […]

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  • The National Windrush Monument created by Basil Watson.

    75 years on – Join Speakers for Schools in celebrating the legacy of the Windrush generation 

    75 years on – Join Speakers for Schools in celebrating the legacy of the Windrush generation  National Windrush Day marks the anniversary of the arrival of MV Empire Windrush in the UK.  This year’s celebrations are particularly symbolic given that they mark 75 years since the arrival of the Windrush Generation. Overcoming great sacrifice and […]

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