Solent LEP launches ‘Get On Track’ programme for 16 to18-year-olds
Source – the Island Echo 21st December 2020

Solent Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) is working in partnership with Education Development Trust to provide additional support for 16 to 18-year-olds who have not been able to progress into employment, apprenticeship, further or higher education since leaving school or college in 2020 due to COVID-19.
Employment prospects for young people aged 16 to 18 have been hit hard as a result of the pandemic, with many of the industries which young people traditionally enter on leaving school amongst the worst affected. This, combined with a lack of vacancies and many redundancies in some sectors, has made it even harder for those who left education in the summer of 2020 to find suitable opportunities.
Working to support our future workforce and ensuring they make informed career choices is of huge importance to the Solent LEP. The Solent LEP through the Solent Careers Hub, is leading on a range of initiatives including the Solent Enterprise Network, which matches business leaders with schools and colleges, a series of virtual employer encounters with organisations such Speakers for Schools, and Education and Employers.
Its recent Skills and Local Labour Market Report recognises the importance of careers information in influencing young people’s choices
This new ‘Get on Track’ programme is another step forward in supporting the ambition for young people to understand the full range of opportunities available to them.
The Solent LEP will be working with Education Development Trust to run the new programme between December 2020 and July 2021 where qualified Careers Advisers will work individually with young people in the Solent area whose career plans have been affected by the pandemic.
The Get on Track programme will enable them to:
- Effectively navigate the many opportunities that are being created to help young people to make an effective transition into employment and education
- Gain a realistic understanding of the local labour market to make informed career decisions
- Receive impartial information, advice and guidance so that they can move into employment, an apprenticeship, or make an effective transition into further or higher education from September 2021
- Achieve a clear focus and create a personalised career plan to realise their full potential and achieve social mobility
- Gain insight into the world of work through various opportunities including volunteering, virtual employer encounters and programmes in the short term
- Access practical tailored support to give young people the confidence and ability to secure employment and education opportunities
- Be prepared for an ever-changing employment landscape
One to one bespoke support will be offered as well as the chance to join workshops on career management skills such as CV support, interview skills and job hunting.
Solent LEP Board member and Chair of our Skills Advisory Board, Rachael Randall said:
“It is vitally important that we give our future workforce the best possible start. The pandemic has impacted many young people in the Solent and we believe that our partnership with the Education Development Trust to deliver this new programme will be a key factor in providing the support they need to get back on track.”
Mark De Backer, Education Development Trust said:
“We are really encouraged that the Solent LEP recognises the needs of young people in these difficult times. To prevent a longer-term NEET issue amongst young people, early intervention is key and we aim to help young people identify their skills and navigate the opportunities to help them back on track as soon as possible.”
To make an initial careers guidance appointment simply email