Ed Miliband | Speakers for Schools

Ed Miliband

Secretary of State for Energy Security & Net Zero & MP, Doncaster North

I’ve been the MP for Doncaster North since 2005. I came into politics because I do not accept that change is simply done to people. Instead, I believe politics can help shape change so that it improves the life of people who feel the way Britain is run does not work for them. Britain is a great country but we are being held back from achieving our full potential. The rules of our society too often reward people for doing the wrong things while those who work hard, and deserve more, struggle.

I grew up in North London and went to Haverstock Comprehensive School in Chalk Farm. I live in Doncaster North, where I am the local MP and my family home is in London. I live with my wife, Justine, and our two young sons.