Julie Hood | Speakers for Schools

Julie Hood

Global Deputy Leader for Transaction Services, EY

I lead a diverse team of nearly 15,000 EY professionals and 1,500 Partners across the dynamic Region of EMEIA (Europe, Middle East, India and Africa), plus a family of four from my base in London. Accelerating the growth of EY’s Strategy and Transactions Service Line, further building its deep Sector Strategy capabilities to enhance our Transactions Diligence and Corporate Finance heritage and transformation execution depth is such an exciting proposition, at a time when Real World Strategy is critical to support our clients most challenging and opportunistic situations.

With my heart in design and head in finance, I have literally been the architect of my own career, having previously run my own design consulting and construction business in Australia prior to joining EY in 2003.

I never shy away from a challenge – professionally and personally. During my EY career I have advised clients on their most complex capital strategies across a range of sectors including private equity, power and utilities, financial services, industrial and consumer products, infrastructure and government.

Outside of EY, in 2020 I took part in a leg of an Ocean Sailing Race – described as an endurance test like no other – joining the crew for a month in the Southern Ocean on a 70-foot ocean racing yacht as part of a 40,000 nautical mile race around the world.

Passionate about building a better world for the next generation, I actively support entities working in developing countries, enhancing education to realise equality for all, and sharing my experience by coaching and mentoring diverse entrepreneurs and the youth of tomorrow.