Owen Evans
Dechreuodd Owen yn ei swydd fel Prif Weithredwr S4C ar 2 Hydref 2017.
Cyn hynny roedd yn Ddirprwy Ysgrifennydd Parhaol Llywodraeth Cymru, gyda chyfrifoldeb am Addysg a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus.
Rhwng 2008 a 2010 roedd yn Gyfarwyddwr elusen Busnes yn y Gymuned yng Nghymru ac am 10 mlynedd cyn hynny bu’n gweithio i BT gan gynnwys cyfnod fel aelod o dîm Prydeinig BT ar ddatblygu eu strategaeth band-eang.
Fe’i haddysgwyd yn Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig, Aberystwyth cyn graddio mewn Economeg ym Mhrifysgol Abertawe.
Mae’n aelod o fwrdd ymgynghorol elusen Marie Curie yng Nghymru. Bu’n aelod o Fwrdd yr Iaith Gymraeg rhwng 2005 a 2010.
Owen took up his post as Chief Executive for S4C on the 2 October 2017.
Before that he was the Permanent Deputy Secretary of the Welsh Government, with responsibility for Education and Public Services.
Between 2008 and 2010 he was the director for the charity Business in the Community in Wales and for 10 years before that he worked for BT including a period as a member of the British BT team on developing their world-wide strategy.
He attended Ysgol Gyfun Penweddig in Aberystwyth; before graduating in Economics at Swansea University.
He is currently a member of the Marie Curie Advisory Board in Wales. He was a member of the Welsh Language Board between 2005 and 2010.