Peter York
Peter York is one of the UK’s leading strategic researchers. Also known as Peter Wallis, he co-founded the influential management consultancy SRU with Lord Stevenson. He is a shareholder and associate of Editorial Intelligence and a former Board Trustee of Arts & Business and of the Tate Members’ Council. As Peter York, the writer, author and broadcaster on social styles and trends he writes regularly for the Independent and other broadsheets. He co-wrote the 80s bestseller ‘The Sloane Ranger Handbook’. His last book (his eighth) ‘Cooler, Faster, More Expensive – The Return of the Sloane Ranger’, co-authored with Olivia Stewart-Liberty, was published in October 2007. His latest BBC documentary, ‘The Rise and Fall of the Ad-Man’, was shown on BBC2 in 2011. He is a Visiting Professor of the University of the Arts London. His latest book ‘Jim Lee: Arrested’ was published in May 2012.