Ross Allen
Ross has been Her Majesty’s Ambassador to Estonia since June 2021. Prior to that he has served in a variety of roles within the UK civil service and on secondment to the private sector (cv below). Ross is married and has a daughter born in 2015 and two sons born in 2017 and 2019. Ross speaks Arabic and some German and French, and is learning Estonian. Ross tweets @rceallen
Ross was born in 1978 and grew up in south London and then Kent. He was brought up in a single parent household and went to a grammar school in Kent, then Cambridge University. He enjoys singing in an Estonian choir, running, wild swimming and saunas, and spends a lot of his weekends taking his children to birthday parties. He also likes football (he supports Crystal Palace) and cricket. His wife, Suzie, is a wine buyer (as a job, not just casually!).
2016 – 2020 Deputy Consul General New York and Deputy Trade Commissioner, North America
2015 – 2016 UK Trade and Investment (now Department for International Trade)
2014 – 2015 Head of Consular Assistance Department, Foreign and Commonwealth Office
2013 – 2014 Secondment to Lloyds Bank Commercial Banking, London
2010 – 2013 Private Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister, Cabinet Office
2008 – 2010 First Secretary, British Embassy, Washington DC
2007 – 2008 Press Officer to the Minister for Europe, FCO
2003 – 2006 Her Majesty’s Consul, Political, Jerusalem
2002 – 2003 Full time Arabic language training
2001 – 2002 Non-proliferation department, FCO
2001 First class BA (Hons), Theology, Trinity Hall, Cambridge