Sir Peter Lampl OBE | Speakers for Schools

Sir Peter Lampl OBE

Founder, The Sutton Trust & The Education Endowment Foundation

Peter is acknowledged to be the UK’s leading educational philanthropist. He founded the Sutton Trust to tackle Britain’s low and declining social mobility. He has given over £65 million to the Trust. Sir Peter is also the founder of the Education Endowment Foundation, which has been an outstanding success and whose mission is to break the link between educational opportunity and family income. Under Sir Peter’s chairmanship, the foundations have together raised an astonishing sum which is approaching £1 billion.

In 1996 Peter funded the successful campaign to ban handguns in the UK in the aftermath of the Dunblane massacre. Before establishing the Sutton Trust, he founded the Sutton Company, a New York leveraged buyout firm, and made £250 million inside a decade.

Peter grew up in Yorkshire and Surrey and now lives in Surrey with his wife Susan.