Stephen Cole
Stephen’s current position in BAE Systems Maritime & Land is in the role of Chief Infrastructure Officer and Improvement Director. This role works closely with the Sector M&L Board as well as key senior stakeholders across the company. He directs the planning and implementation of M&L Sector Information Management and Technology Systems working with and in support of group IM&T, Shared Services and Sector operations in order to meet strategic, operational and financial objectives of the Sector. The role directs and sets standards for Asset management covering site and facilities management, cross sector site master planning and investment. Stephen also leads on a number of other business requirements including the business partnerships with Local Authorities and partners, he has also been the main lead on pay negotiations with the trade unions.
Starting in BAE Systems in November 2008, Stephen has led the creation of a number of key investment strategies aimed at building the capability necessary to deliver the Strategic Deterrent Programme and providing a long term business that will be capable for the next 30 years. These programmes include deployment of a new ERP capability which went live at the end of 2011 and is based on SAP, as well as the development of new Product Development Processes and supporting systems needed to successfully design the future and current submarines for the Royal Navy. Stephen has also overseen the development of the businesses Site Master Strategy which aims to ensure delivery strategic facilities that will meet the current and future Maritime programmes.
Born in 1970 in Birmingham, Stephen left school at the age of 16 to start an apprenticeship employed in the automotive industry. He went on to further his career in Telecommunications, High Tech and Consulting sectors as an advisor, board member, and manager with responsibilities for strategy and operations with budget responsibilities up to £100M. As a creator of breakthrough business plans, Stephen has helped business improve their performance through innovative use of process, capabilities and technology, their routes to market and has established new companies that can exploit emerging markets
Stephen enjoys a fulfilled family life living in the Lake District in the UK with his wife and 3 young daughters and has a keen passion for Cumbria as a great place to work and raise a family. Making the most of the environment that the Lake District offers, Stephen tries to keep fit through running, sailing and windsurfing along with other outdoor activities helps him to relax and enjoy life’s opportunities. He enjoys spending time with family and friends and tries to maintain a healthy work life balance.