Art, media & communications | Speakers for Schools

Topic: Art, media & communications

  • Stanley Jackson

    Stanley Jackson is a successful business man who describes himself as a compulsive entrepreneur – his current business is the third that he has started so far in a career spanning more than 50 years …. Stanley is Chairman of Performing Artistes which he set up 24 years ago and which has grown from modest […]

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  • Justin Cooke

    Justin Cooke is an advisor, investor and entrepreneur with over 25 years’ experience in media, marketing and tech. With a strong track-record of scaling-up businesses, he successfully founded the global digital agency, Fortune Cookie, which he grew to 250 people and $30 million in revenue before selling to WPP in 2012. Previously on the board […]

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  • Sharon Ament

    “Sharon Ament is Director of the Museum of London, which in 2015 announced its ambition to build a new museum for London and move to a new site in West Smithfield. Since joining the Museum in 2012, Sharon has been steering the next phase of the organisation’s development to more fulsomely reflect the energy and […]

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  • David Allison

    Having joined Ford Motor Company from school, I was fortunate enough to be sponsored through an engineering degree at Brunel University. Ford’s training programme was exceptional; I gained experience working in a wide range of engineering, project management and commercial roles. These experiences opened up many new opportunities and ultimately, I ended up leading Ford’s […]

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  • James Allen

    James is the co-founder of award winning visual effects company Time Based Arts. James studied Film & Video at art school in Kent before completing an MA in Dundee at The Duncan of Jordanstone School of Electronic Imaging. James moved to London and perfected his tea and coffee making skills as a runner in a […]

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  • Dr Brian Allen

    Brian Allen was Director of Yale University’s Paul Mellon Centre for Studies in British Art in London for twenty year and has published widely on art of the 17th to 19th centuries. He is now (non-executive) Chairman of the London fine art dealers Hazlitt Ltd.He was Chairman of the Art Fund and is currently a […]

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  • Tim Allan

    Tim, founded Portland in May 2001 to provide a premium service with rigorous strategic thought, effective implementation and a commitment to helping our clients achieve their objectives. He was a senior adviser to Tony Blair in opposition and in government and deputy Press Secretary in Downing Street. He is the former Director of Corporate Communications […]

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  • Kathleen Alder

    WildKat PR was founded by Kathleen Alder in April 2008. She was born in Hamburg and raised in a very musical household. Before starting WildKat PR, she worked with El Sistema in Venezuela, at the Mahler Chamber Orchestra in Berlin, TVT Europe and at Universal Music London. Having gained experience in the music industry and […]

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  • Alex Aiken

    Alex Aiken is the Communications advisor to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, part of the Government of the United Arab Emirates. He served for 11 years as Executive Director of Government Communications, based in Downing Street and the the most senior communications professional in the Civil Service. Alex created and led the Government Communication Service, […]

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  • Anjana Ahuja

    Anjana is a former columnist for The Times. She is now a contributing writer at the Financial Times. She also contributes to the Daily Telegraph, Prospect, New Scientist and the Radio Times. She was named Best Science Commentator at the 2013 Comment Awards. Ahuja, who was educated at a comprehensive school in Essex, read physics […]

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