Speaker Directory | Speakers for Schools

Speaker Directory


Our speakers are leaders at the top of their industry, influencing and shaping their sector or society.

We connect speakers and their prestigious networks to state school students across the UK, through ‘Inspiration’ (school talks) and our ‘Experience programme (Insight Days, Work Experience).

Our network is 1,700 strong and growing. See who’s already taking part below.

  • To find out how we work and what talks are about, see our School Talks page.
  • If you are looking for information for your talk, please see our Speaker Guides here.
  • To take part, find out more about the commitment on our FAQ page.
Portrait of Professor Malcolm Garrett RDI

Professor Malcolm Garrett RDI

Artistic Director, Design Manchester and Creative Director, Images&Co

Portrait of Kevin Gaskell

Kevin Gaskell

Former CEO of Porsche & BMW, serial entrepreneur

Portrait of Emily Gee

Emily Gee

Director for Cathedral & Church Buildings, Church of England & Former Regional Director, London and South East, Historic England

Portrait of Adam Gee

Adam Gee

Commissioning Editor, Little Dot Studios, Former Commissioning Editor of Channel 4, Specialist in Digital Creativity

Charlie Geffen

Senior Adviser, Flint Global, Chair University of Surrey, former senior lawyer

Portrait of Lilli Geissendorfer

Lilli Geissendorfer

Deputy Director, Creative Policy and Evidence Centre & Former Director, Jerwood Arts

Portrait of Jonny Geller

Jonny Geller

Joint CEO and Managing Director, Curtis Brown

Portrait of Chris Gentle

Chris Gentle

Senior Business Advisor; Entrepreneur; Board Member and Former Director of Research, Deloitte LLP

Portrait of Lee Georgs

Lee Georgs

Chief Operating Officer, Eighteen48 Partners Ltd

Candida Gertler OBE

Co-Founder, Director and Trustee, Outset Contemporary Art Fund

Tilusha Ghelani

Commissioning Editor, Sky Comedy

Portrait of David Giampaolo

David Giampaolo

CEO, Pi Capital Ltd

Portrait of Nick Gibb

Rt Hon Nick Gibb

Former MP & Former Minister of State for School Standards

Portrait of Gary Gibbon

Gary Gibbon

Political Editor, Channel 4 News

Portrait of Sir John Gieve

Sir John Gieve

Chair of Homerton Healthcare & Former Chairman of VocaLink & Permanent Secretary of the Home Office

Portrait of Olivia Giles

Olivia Giles

CEO, 500 miles

Portrait of Simon Gillespie OBE

Simon Gillespie OBE

Former Chief Executive, British Heart Foundation

Portrait of Clare Gilmartin

Clare Gilmartin

Non Exec Director, Chair of Remuneration, Member of Audit & Risk, Wise, Former CEO, Trainline

Portrait of Katushka Giltsoff

Katushka Giltsoff

Founder, KGI Associates Ltd

Brian Gilvary

Chairman of INEOS Energy, INEOS Group

Portrait of Robin Gisby

Robin Gisby

Chairman, London North Eastern Railway

Portrait of David Gittleson

David Gittleson

Senior Partner, EY

John Glancy

Experience Development Manager for the National Trust

Portrait of Simon Gleeson

Simon Gleeson

Partner, Clifford Chance

Portrait of Lizzie Glithero-West

Lizzie Glithero-West

Chief Executive, Heritage Alliance

Portrait of Neil Glover

Neil Glover

Head of Materials Research, Rolls-Royce

Portrait of Professor Paul Glover

Professor Paul Glover

Chair of Petrophysics, University of Leeds

Portrait of Nick Godwin

Nick Godwin

Creative Director, Britespark Films

Chris Goldson

Director of Commercial Marketing & Pitch Development, ITV

Portrait of Am Golhar

Am Golhar

Creative Entrepreneur & Media Voice & Founder, Abstract PR

Bruce Goodison

Film and TV Director

Portrait of Graham Goodkind

Graham Goodkind

Founder & Chairman of Frank & Dutch Uncle & Active Investor in early stage companies

Portrait of Adrian Gorham

Adrian Gorham

Head of Business Operations, Telefonica UK

Portrait of Kevin Gothelf

Kevin Gothelf

Business Counsel, The Cogent Partnership

Portrait of Nicola Gough

Nicola Gough

Head of Closures (Engineering), Bentley

Caroline Goyder

Public Speaking Expert

Portrait of Lord Michael Grade

Lord Michael Grade

Broadcast Businessman & Conservative Peer

Portrait of Josh Graff

Josh Graff

Managing Director EMEA/LATAM & VP Global Enterprise, LinkedIn

Portrait of Emma Graham-Harrison

Emma Graham-Harrison

International Affairs Correspondent, The Guardian

Portrait of Guy Grainger

Guy Grainger

Former Global Head of Sustainability Services, JLL